HOME PAGE beware of imitations!
V.A.T - H.M.R.C.
These guys are an
ABSOLUTE Shower of Bastards
HS2 are an unmitigated SHOWER OF BASTARDS!
They have tunnelled directly underneath my bungalow
and expect me to be gratful for £50
My bank gave my £100 for a simple clerical error
but of course - a bank is a business
they survive and prosper on happy customers.
HS2 don't care - they have Royal Assent!
click HS2 to see more!
AVIVA Insurance are still an ABSOLUTE Shower of Bastards!
and they are proud of it! If you buy cover from them you could end up regreting it!
Since having my sign displayed on my truck's tailboard - numerous people have tooted and given thumbs up when passing - even a motorway Police Car.
Click "AVIVA" button to see more!
In general all Insurance companies are conceived in Bastardy - in that they charge too much for not enough and like to act as they damned well please! It's about time that they were FORCED to recognise that the CUSTOMER IS KING! Click "INSURANCE
Let it be KNOWN!
I AM AN ARDENT REMAINER! I VOTED IN THE 1975 "YES" REFERENDUM TO JOIN THE European Economic Community with my eyes open and thoroughly agreeing with the phrase : ever closer Union between member states.
I saw this as a good start towards World Government
(you may say that I'm a dreamer - but I'm not the only one!)
John Lennon - you are sadly missed!
If you are against this idea - do tell me how on EARTH are we to solve the planet's problems while we all tinker about within artificial and achaic national boundaries?
I'm willing to bet very good money that most folk who voted Brexit had no idea of all the "divorce" problems now in the news and thought it would be as painless and unnoticeable as when we joined - one day in and out the next.
I've even met some Little Englanders who thought all the FOREIGNERS would be sent home on the first Brexit Day!
Oh dear, oh dear oh bloody dear!
I know it's difficult to believe - but Boris Johnson & Co lied through their teeth about what would happen post Brexit. "Capital doesn't annouce its departure - it leaves on slippered feet" (a quote attributed to Tony O'Reilly once CEO of Heinz )
Two £trillion, immediately and silently left the country as companies relocated abroad - this drain continues as you read......
Many folk followed Nigel Farage's lead in
"wanting our country back"
Unfortunately - that's IMPOSSIBLE because our £ is bought and sold to foriegners in free markets.
Great Britain plc is in debt to the tune of £2.760 billion
and it's quite obvious that if you are in debt to someone - it's them that calls the tune!
On a smaller scale - does anyone think that every shipping container will be opened, every lorry checked? Bit of fuss over illegals crossing the channel in small boats but most of them are discovered - not so with other more sereptitious methods of entry
Nett LEGAL immigration into the U.K. for the last couple of years is well above 700,000
No one in government has any intention of employing more CustomsFolk - International commerce does not work like that! Every development has been focused on speeding up the flow of trade- not slowing it down.
How's that Border down the middle of the Irish Sea going eh? Most Irish want their country UNITED - they've fought wars over it! If there's any kind of Border checks between North and Southern Ireland - as the E.U. are insisting - there will be more bombs and death.